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5-g defense

32 Reviews

$29.95 for one, $49.95 for two. Colored versions + $4.95

5-G Defense is a pocket-sized innovation which sticks to the back of your cell phone/tablet/laptop/computer/TV  that effectively absorbs and balances radiation around your electronic devices using patent Pending SHS-technology.

: Single
: Black
: Black

100 in stock



  • Protect yourself from Harmful Radition
  • Easy to Use: Just peal and stick the back of your device or device's case.
  • Pure Carbon: Our device is made of pure Carbon 60 to provide you the highest level of protection
  • Performance Friendly: 5-G defense will not negatively effect the performance of your devices!

Simply peel and stick the back of your device or device's case and you are ready to go! Our device can be used to protect you and your family from all forms of radiation. Great for use with phones, tablets, laptops, computers. and TVs.

What is 5-GDefense?

5-G Defense is a credit card-sized innovation that sticks to the back of your cell phone/tablet/laptop/computer/TV that effectively absorbs and further normalizes harmful spikes in radiation around your electronic devices using patent Pending SHS-technology. 5-GDefense starts with a natural carbon element only found in a remote region of Russia. This element is primarily made of a unique element called Carbon 60.

How does it work?

Whether it is incoming or outgoing transmissions, 5-GDefense acts as a filter for radiation. It will normalize up to 80% of the harmful spikes in radiation while using your device.

Where do I put 5-GDefense?

Our product comes with a peel-off sticker that will allow you to adhere it to the back of cell phones, cases, computers, or just about any Wi-Fi device.

Will it interfere with any incoming or outgoing transmissions?


What is the difference between 4G and 5G?

Although both are based on radiation waves, it is known that 5G is 20x more powerful, therefore 20x more potentially harmful

How does radiation affect you?

Thousands of studies link low-level wireless frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

- DNA single and Double-strand breaks

- Oxidative damage

- Increased blood-brain barrier permeability

- Melatonin reduction

- Disruption to brain glucose metabolism

How come there are so many 5-G towers?

5G radiation gets diluted from longer distances. To run at full power, there had to be shorter distances between towers.

If 5G is not safe, why is it out there?

Convenience. For every scientist that says its ok, there is one that says further studies need to be made on the data before a meaningful health risk assessment can be made. We would rather error on the side of caution.